Thursday, August 6, 2009


As usual there was a long queue for bus 902, the shuttle to RP. Sure enough some kid would saunter up to their friend already in line, strike up a conversation, and then neatly inch his or her way into the queue. If the queue jumper is near enough, I usually reprimand them and they would slink to the back in shame and join the queue at the back.

Today one girl cut into the queue right in front of me and started talking to the person immediately ahead of me.

"Excuse me, are you trying to jump queue?" I asked sternly.
"No, my friend here was queuing for me!" she replied defensively.
"Got such thing, ah?" I exclaimed, flabbergasted.
"Yah wat!" the recalcitrant individual had the audacity to reply, and continued with the line to board the bus.

I was at a loss for words!